Showing 1 post by Vincent M. Rizzo.
SCOTUS Decides Title VII Protects LGBTQ+ Workers
In a historic 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court of the United States held that an employer who discriminates against an employee merely for being gay or transgender violates Title VII. 590 U. S. ____ (2020). This landmark decision provides LGBTQ+ employees across the nation protection from termination or other employment discrimination because of their LGBTQ+ status. The Supreme Court's decision resolved three cases: Altitude Express v. Zarda; Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia; and R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes Inc. v. EEOC. Justice Gorsuch delivered the opinion in which Justices Roberts, Ginsberg, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan joined. Justice Alito filed a dissenting opinion, in which Justice Thomas joined. Justice Kavanaugh also filed a dissenting opinion. More ›
- #12Days
- #MeToo
- 100% Healed Policy
- 12 Days of 2024
- 2015 Inflation Adjustment Act
- 24-Hour Shifts
- Abuse
- Accommodation
- Administrative Exemption
- Administrative Warrant
- Adverse Employment Action
- Affirmative Action
- Affordable Care Act
- Age Discrimination
- Age-Based Harassment
- Aiding and Abetting
- American Arbitration Association
- American Health Care Act
- American Rescue Plan
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Amusement Parks
- Anti-Discrimination Policy
- Anti-Harassment
- Anti-Harassment Policy
- Anti-Retaliation Rule
- Anxiety
- Arbitration
- Arbitration Agreement
- Arbitration Fees
- Arbitration Rule
- Arrest Record
- At-Will Employment
- Attorney Fees
- Attorney General Guidance
- Audit
- Automobile Sales Exemption
- Baby Boomers
- Back Pay
- Background Checks
- Ban the Box
- Bankruptcy
- Bankruptcy Code
- Bargaining
- Bargaining Unit
- Baseball
- Benefits
- Bereavement
- Biden Administration
- Biometric Information
- Biometric Information Privacy Act
- Black Lives Matter
- Blocking Charge Policy
- Blue Pencil Doctrine
- Board of Directors
- Borello Test
- Breastfeeding
- Browning-Ferris
- Burden of Proof
- Burden Shifting
- But-For Causation
- Cal/OSHA
- California
- California Administrative Procedure Act
- California Consumer Privacy Act
- California Court of Appeal
- California Department of Fair Employment and Housing
- California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement
- California Fair Employment and Housing Act
- California Family Rights Act
- California Labor Code
- California Legislature
- California Minimum Wage
- California Senate Bill 826
- California Supreme Court
- Call Centers
- Case Updates
- Cat's Paw
- Centers for Disease Control
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- Chicago Minimum Wage
- Child Labor Laws
- Childbirth
- Choice of Law
- Church Plans
- Circuit Split
- City of Los Angeles CA Minimum Wage
- Civil Penalties
- Civil Rights
- Civil Rights Act
- Claim for Compensation
- Class Action
- Class Action Waiver
- Class Arbitration
- Class Certification
- Class Waiver
- Code of Conduct
- Collective Action
- Collective Bargaining
- Collective Bargaining Agreements
- Collective Bargaining Freedom Act
- Committee on Special Education
- common law
- Commuting Time
- Comparable Work
- Compensable Time
- Compensation History
- Complaints
- Compliance
- Compliance Audit
- Computer Exemption
- Confidential Information
- Confidentiality
- Confidentiality Agreement
- Constructive Discharge
- Consular Report of Birth Abroad
- Contraception Services
- Contraceptive
- Contracts Clause
- Conviction Record
- Convincing Mosaic
- Cook County
- Cook County Minimum Wage
- Coronavirus
- Corporate Board
- Corporate Compliance
- COVID-19
- Criminal Conviction
- Criminal History
- Customer Service
- D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals
- Damages
- Deadline Extension
- Defamation
- Defendant Trade Secrets Act of 2016
- Delaware
- Department of Homeland Security
- Department of Economic Opportunity
- Department of Industrial Relations
- Department of Justice
- Department of Workforce Development
- Designation Notice
- Direct and Immediate
- Disability
- Disability and Medical Leave
- Disability Discrimination
- Disability-Based Harassment
- Disciplinary Decisions
- Disclosure
- Discrimination
- Disparaging
- Disparate Impact
- Disparate Treatment
- District of Columbia
- Diversity
- Diversity Policy
- Documentation
- Dodd-Frank
- Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
- Domestic Violence
- Drug Free Workplace Act
- Drug Free Workplace Policies
- Drug Testing
- Dues
- Duluth
- E-Verify
- EAP Exemption
- Earned Sick and Safe time
- Eavesdropping
- Education
- EEO Laws
- EEO-1
- Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals
- El Cerrito CA Minimum Wage
- Election
- Electronic Communication Policy
- Electronic Communications
- Electronic Monitoring
- Electronic Reporting
- Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals
- emergency condition
- Emeryville CA Minimum Wage
- Emotional Distress
- Employee
- Employee Benefits
- Employee Classification
- Employee Handbook
- Employee Information
- Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
- Employee Termination
- Employer
- Employer Health Care Plans
- Employer Mandate
- Employer Policies
- Employer Policy
- Employer Sponsored
- Employer-Employee Relationship
- Employer-Sponsored Visas
- Employment
- Employment and Training Administration
- Employment Contract
- Employment Verification
- Enterprise Coverage
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
- Equal Pay Act
- Equal Pay for Equal Work
- Equal Protection
- Equality
- Essential Employment Terms
- Essential Functions
- Ethnic Equality
- Evidentiary Burdens
- Exclusive Remedy
- Executive Exemption
- Executive Order
- Exempt Employee
- Exempt Status
- Exemption
- Experience
- Expert
- Expression of Milk
- Extreme or Outrageous
- Failure to Accomodate
- Fair Credit Reporting Act
- Fair Employment and Housing Act
- Fair Labor Standards Act
- Fair Pay
- Fair Reading
- Fair Workweek Law
- Fair Workweek laws
- Families First Coronavirus Response Act
- Family and Medical Leave
- Family and Medical Leave Act
- family planning
- Fast Food
- Federal
- Federal Arbitration Act
- Federal Drug Administration
- Federal Government
- Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation
- Federal Preemption
- Federal Register
- Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
- Federal Trade Commission
- Fee Disputes
- fertility
- Fiduciary
- Fiduciary Duty
- Fiduciary Rule
- Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals
- Final Rule
- Fines
- fingerprints
- First Amendment
- First Circuit Court of Appeals
- Flexible Spending Accounts
- Florida
- Florida Civil Rights Act
- Florida's Private Whistleblower Act
- FLSA Exemptions
- Flu Shot
- Fluctuating Workweek
- FMLA Abuse
- FMLA Interference
- Food Delivery
- Form 300A
- Forum-Selection Clause
- Fourteenth Amendment
- Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals
- Franchisee
- Franchising
- Franchisor
- Fraud
- Freedom of Speech
- Full-time hours
- garden leave clause
- Gay Rights
- Gender Bias
- Gender Discrimination
- Gender Equality
- Gender Identity
- Gender Identity Discrimination
- Gender Identity-Based Harassment
- Gender Nonconformity
- Generation Z
- Generational Conflict
- Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act
- Georgia
- Gig Economy
- Gig Worker
- Good Faith
- Graduate Students
- Grievances
- Grocers
- Gross
- H-1B
- Hair Discrimination
- Handicap Discrimination
- Harassment
- Hawkins-Slater Medical Marijuana Act
- Health and Safety
- Health Care
- Health Care Employers
- Health Care Provider
- Health Insurance
- Highly Compensated Employees
- Hiring
- Hiring Policy
- Hiring Practices
- Hostile Work Environment
- Hour Tracking
- Hours Worked
- HR
- Human Trafficking
- Hybrand
- I-9
- Illinois
- Illinois Business Corporation Act
- Illinois Department of Human Rights
- Illinois Equal Pay Act
- Illinois Freedom to Work Act
- Illinois Human Rights Act
- Illinois Minimum Wage Law
- Illinois Nursing Mothers in the Workplace Act
- Illinois One Day Off In Seven Act
- Illinois Supreme Court
- Illinois Workplace Transparency Act
- Immigration
- Impaired
- Impairment
- Incentives
- inclusion
- Income Tax
- independent contractor classification
- Independent Contractors
- Indiana
- Indiana Supreme Court
- Individualized Education Program
- informed consent
- Injuctive Relief
- Injunction
- Injuries
- Injury and Illness Reporting
- Interactive Process
- Interference
- Intermittent Leave
- Internal Applicants
- Internal Complaints
- Internal Revenue Service
- Interns
- Internships
- Investigation
- Iraq
- Iris Scans
- IRS Notice 1036
- janitorial
- Jefferson Standard
- Job Applicant
- Job Applicant Information
- Job Classification
- Job Classification Audit
- Job Descriptions
- Joint Control
- Joint Employer Relationship
- Joint Employer Rule
- Joint Employer Test
- Joint Employers
- Joint Employment
- Judicial Estoppel
- LAB s. 226.2
- Labor and Employment
- Labor Code
- Labor Dispute
- Labor Organizing
- Lactation Accommodations
- Lactation Policies
- Las Vegas
- lateral transfer
- Layoff
- Leased Employee
- Leave
- Ledbetter Act
- Legislation
- LGBTQ Rights
- Loan Forgiveness
- Local Ordinance
- Los Angeles County CA Minimum Wage
- Loss of Consortium
- M.G.L. Chapter 151B
- Major League Baseball
- major life activity
- Malibu CA Minimum Wage
- Mandatory
- Mandatory Arbitration
- Mandatory Reporting
- Manufacturers
- Marijuana
- Marital Discrimination
- Maryland Minimum Wage
- Massachusetts
- Massachusetts Equal Pay Act
- Massachusetts Pregnant Workers Fairness Act
- Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court
- Massachusetts Wage Act
- Maternity Leave
- McDonnell Douglas
- Meal & Rest Break
- Meal Breaks
- Meal Period
- Media Mention
- Medical Condition
- Medical Examination
- Medical History
- Medical Marijuana
- Michigan
- Micro-Units
- Military
- Military Duty
- Millennials
- Milpitas CA Minimum Wage
- Minimum Wage
- Ministerial Exception
- Minneapolis Minimum Wage
- Minneapolis Sick and Safe Time ordinance
- Minnesota
- Minnesota Court of Appeals
- Minnesota Human Rights Act
- Minor Employees
- Minors
- Misappropriation
- Misclassification
- Missouri
- Montana Human Rights Act
- Montgomery County Maryland Minimum Wage
- Municipalities
- Narrow Construction
- National Football League
- National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)
- National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
- National Origin Discrimination
- Natural Hair
- Nebraska
- Negligence
- Neutrality Agreement
- New Jersey
- New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act
- New Jersey Law Against Discrimination
- New Moms
- New York
- New York Average Weekly Wage
- New York City
- New York City Human Rights Law
- New York Court of Appeals
- New York HERO Act
- New York Labor Law
- New York Legislation
- New York Minimum Wage
- New York Paid Family Leave
- New York State Human Rights Law
- News
- Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
- NJ Paid Sick Leave Law
- NLRA Section 7
- No Rehire Provisions
- Non-Compete
- Non-Employee Union Agents
- Non-Supervisory Employees
- Noncompete Covenant
- Noncompetition Agreement
- Nondiscretionary Bonuses
- nonproductive time
- Nonsolicitation Covenant
- Notice
- Notice of Proposed Rule Making
- Notices
- Nursing Mothers
- NY State Department of Taxation
- Obama Administration
- ObamaCare
- Obesity
- Objectively Offensive
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration
- Off-Duty Rest
- Off-the-Clock
- Office of Management and Budget
- Ohio
- Ok Boomer
- Oklahoma
- Older Workers
- On-Call Scheduling
- Only When Rule
- Opinion
- Opinion Letter
- Opioid Epidemic
- Opposition
- Oregon Minimum Wage
- Organ Donation
- OSH Act
- Other-than-Serious Violation
- Outside Applicants
- Outside Sales Exemption
- Overtime
- Paid Leave
- Paid Sick Leave
- Paid Sick Leave Law
- Paid Time Off
- Pandemic Unemployment Assistance
- Parental Leave
- part-time hours
- Partnership
- Pasadena CA Minimum Wage
- Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act of 2009
- Pay Data
- Pay Equity
- Pay Gap
- Pay History
- Pay Inquiries
- Paycheck Protection Program
- Payment Disclosure
- Payroll
- Payroll Taxes
- Penalties
- Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania Minimum Wage Act
- Pennsylvania Wage Payment and Collection Law
- Pension
- Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation
- Pension Plans
- Pensions
- Perceived Disability
- Permanent Replacement Employees
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Personnel Record
- Physiological Condition
- Picket
- Piece-rate
- Policies
- Policy
- Political Affiliation
- Political Discrimination
- Political Speech
- Politics
- Polygraph
- Portland Maine Minimum Wage
- Posting Requirements
- Preemption
- Pregnancy Discrimination
- Pregnancy Discrimination Act
- Pregnant Worker Fairness Act
- Pregnant Worker Protections
- Premium Wage
- Prescriptions
- President Obama
- Presidential Election
- Pretext
- Preventative Care
- Privacy
- Private Attorneys General Act of 2004
- Private Colleges and Universities
- Private Employers
- Private Property
- Professional Exemption
- Property Rights
- Proposed Rulemaking
- Protected Activity
- Protected Class
- Protected Concerted Activity
- Protected Leave
- Protected Speech
- Public Employers
- Public Records
- Publicly-Held Corporations
- PUMP Act
- Punitive Damages
- qualified individual
- Qualifying Exigency
- Quid Pro Quo
- quota
- Racial Discrimination
- Racial Equality
- Racial Harassment
- Reasonable Accomodation
- Rebuttable Presumption
- Recess Appointment
- Reduction in Force
- Regarded As
- Regulatory Compliance
- Regulatory Enforcement
- Rehabilitation Act
- Religion
- Religious Accommodation
- Religious Discrimination
- Religiously Affiliated Employers
- Remote Working
- Removal
- Reporting
- Reporting Time Pay
- Reproductive Health
- Republican
- Request for Information
- Respondeat Superior
- Rest Breaks
- Rest Period
- Restaurants
- Restrictions
- Restrictive Covenant
- Retail
- Retaliation
- retaliatory termination
- Retina Scans
- return-to-work
- Rhode Island
- Right of Recall
- Right to Control
- Right-to-Work
- Rounding Policy
- Safety Programs
- Safety Sensitive Laborer
- Salaried Employees
- salary
- Salary History
- Salary Inquiries
- Salary Inquiry
- Salary Test
- San Francisco CA Minimum Wage
- San Francisco Parity in Pay Ordinance
- San Leandro CA Minimum Wage
- Santa Monica CA Minimum Wage
- Sarbanes-Oxley Act
- Seasonal Workers
- Second Circuit Court of Appeals
- Secret Ballot
- Secretary of Labor
- Secretary Solis
- Section 7
- Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act
- Section 8
- Securities & Exchange Commission
- Securities Fraud
- Self Evaluations
- Separation Agreement
- Seperation
- Serious Health Condition
- Serious Violation
- Settlement Agreement
- Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals
- Severance
- Severe and Pervasive
- Sex Discrimination
- Sex Stereotyping
- Sex-Based Harassment
- sexual and reproductive health decisions
- Sexual Assault
- Sexual Harassment
- Sexual Orientation Discrimination
- Sexual Orientation-Based Harassment
- Shameless
- Short-Term Disability
- Sick Leave
- Similarly Situated
- Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals
- Social Media
- Social Media Policy
- Social Security
- South Dakota
- Split Shift Pay
- St. Paul Sick and Safe Time Ordinance
- St. Paul, Minnesota
- Stalking
- State Government
- Statute of Limitations
- Statutory Damages
- Statutory Exemption
- STD prevention
- Stock
- Stop WOKE Act
- Street Trade Permits
- strike
- Student Loans
- Students
- Subjectively Offensive
- Subpoena
- Substantial Relationship
- Successor Liability
- Supervisor Reassignment
- Supervisors
- Supervisory Employees
- Supplemental Wages
- Supreme Court of the United States
- Tax
- Tax Credits
- Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
- Tax Implications
- Tax Reform Act
- Teenage Labor
- Temporary Employee
- Temporary Help Agency
- Temporary Rule
- Temporary Schedule Change
- Temporary Workers
- Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals
- Termination
- Texas
- Texas Workforce Commission (TWC)
- Texting
- Third Circuit Court of Appeals
- Time Clock
- Time Records
- Tipped workers
- Title IX
- Title VII
- Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Tort Liability
- Trade Secrets
- Training
- Trans
- Transgender Rights
- Transitioning
- Transportation Industry
- Travel Time
- Trial
- Trump
- Trump Administration
- U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- U.S. Department of Labor
- Undergraduate Students
- Underrepresented Community
- Undocumented Workers
- Undue Hardship
- Unemployment
- Unemployment Benefits
- Unemployment Insurance Program Letter
- Unfair Labor Practice
- Union Dues
- Union Organizing
- Union Relations Privilege
- Unions
- Unit Clarification Petition
- Unlawful Employment Practice
- Unpaid Leave
- Unpaid Wages
- vacation
- Vacation Accrual
- Vacation Pay
- Vacation Policy
- Vaccination
- Vaccine Requirement
- Verdict
- Vested Rights
- Veteran Services
- Vicarious Liability
- Victims
- Violent Crime
- Virginia
- Voluntary
- Volunteer Programs
- Volunteering
- Volunteers
- Wage and Hour
- Wage Order 7
- Wage Order 9
- Wage Theft
- Wage Transparency
- Wages
- Waiting Period
- Waiver
- warehouse
- WARN Act
- Webinar
- Wellness
- Wellness Program Incentives
- Wellness Programs
- Westchester County
- Whistleblower
- White House
- Whole Foods
- Willful and Repeat
- Wis. Stat. ch. 102
- Wisconsin
- Wisconsin Court of Appeals
- Wisconsin Fair Employment Act
- Wisconsin's Wage Payment and Collection Laws
- Withdrawal Liability
- Withholdings
- Witness Statements
- Work Eligibility
- Work Permits
- Work Restriction
- Work Schedules
- Worker Classification
- Workers' Compensation
- Working Conditions
- Workplace Accommodation
- Workplace Bullying
- Workplace Discrimination
- Workplace Disputes
- Workplace Injury
- Workplace Injury Reporting
- workplace inspections
- Workplace Policies
- Workplace Rules
- Workplace Safety
- Workplace Training
- Wright Line
- written release procedures
- Wrongful Termination